One of Tokyo's genuinely talented international bands
-TimeOut Tokyo-
Definitely a band to watch in every sense of the expression.
-Music Connection-
思わず体が動いてしまうダンサブルな音楽とパワフルなパフォーマンスは、パブやライブハウスだけでなく、FUJI ROCK FESTIVALやRISING SUN ROCK FESTIVALの国内最大級フェスなど幅広いフィールドで、老若男女問わずオーディエンスの心を掴む。
Formed in 2006, Johnsons Motorcar is a multinational band consisting of MARTIN (Violin/Vox), BLACKO (Gtr), MARYNE (Ba), and KUMA (Dr). JMC* has established a unique sound that fuses a rock/punk backbone with traditional Irish and gypsy folk melodies.
Their highly danceable music and powerful performances penetrate your body involuntarily and capture the hearts of audiences of all ages and in all locations. All over Japan they have been rocking hard. Not only in pubs and live houses, they have also captured the hearts and minds of audiences in some of the largest festivals in Japan such as FUJI ROCK and RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL.